2. alternative-noun something that is different form something else , especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of of choice
3 . ingrain- adj. (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change
4. fidget- verb to make continuous small movements which annoy other people
5. stimulus- noun (c) [plural stimuli] something that causes growth or activity
6. linear- adj. consisting of or to do with lines
7. provoke- verb (CAUSE REACTION) to cause a reaction, especially a negative one
8. fundamental- adj. forming the base, from which everything else originates; more important that anything else
9. cocaine- noun a drug used in medicine to prevent pain and also used illegally, often in the form of white powder which is breathed in through the nose
10. preconception - noun an idea or opinion firmed before enough information is available to form it correctly
11. contemplate- verb to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long tine in a serious and a quiet way
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