This is a true story!
Today, March 4th,2006 was my second chess tournament day. It was in downtown, so it only took about 10 minutes to get there. When I was the there, I looked around at the place where the tournament was. Oh my! There were only 2 girls,Emily and I,and the rest were boys. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! " Everyone, come to the big room!", said a chess master. The chess master told us the rules and if I had any questions, I could just rasie my hand. Then, chess master told us to play black or white,(the color of the chess pieces)and who to play. Round 1! I thought of ideas to take to king. Hmmmmm. At the beganing of the game I thought I was going to lose. "check, check check!"(that's when a piece can take your king and you have to escape) I had to escape. So I moved a piece. Then I started to try hard. And in just that minute, I won the game. Round 2! I met a robot.And robots win all the time. So, I lost. Round 3! On no! I was playing one of the people in my group! I played really hard but I moved one piece wrong. LOST! Round 4! oh!!!!!!!!! Bad luck for me! I moved a piece wrong and lost. Well, I least I won 1 game instead of none! Next time, I am going to try to win 2 games instead of one.
I make a right move by thinking about it, and predicting in my mind what might happen if I moved that piece. Thanks for lighting my brains up!
i know. You should capital the word AND! It'll make it LOOK better. See, I'm useing my brain. Is that hoe you spekl use+ing?
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