My Favorite Part:
Is Wayside School is Falling Down
To begin this book, I have to tell you that wayside school WAS going to have 1 floor with 36 rooms but, instead the workers who built Wayside School built 36 floors with one room in each floor! Can you beliveve a school like that? So the story goes that children in Wayside School were sitting in their seat working and learning. Just then, all the cows were coming inside the school running around! Mrs. Jewls one of the teachers in the school was ringing her cowbell so that the children would know where they are going.
Now do you think that the cowbell would scare the cows away?
Ture or Flase
The answer is Flase
The cows keep attacking the children!
"attcling "?
What is its meaning ?
Tell me, please.
Grandpa / 2005.5.16.
Good! It's "attacking", instead of
I understand it now.
Thank you.
Grandpa / 2005.5.18.
"Ture Or Flase":
Is it "True or False" ?
Please check it again . OK?
Grandpa / 2005.5.18.
okay. Thanks!
Michelle Tao
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