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Monday, May 30, 2005

My Trip to New York City

This is a real story that just happened on May 26 to May 28
Chapter 1 When I went to see the Metropolitan Museum of Art
It all started when I was walking in the art museum. I went in and my dad, Chen- Chao-Tao said" I'll go buy tickets for you, your mother, and ofcourse me. So I went to buy tickets with him and then I went in to the art of museum. We saw lots of drawings that my mom and dad liked were Imprelssionism but the pictures they liked I don't like! And there was one picture was multiumedia I liked but my mom and dad don't like! Okay, maybe my mom and dad liked a little but they still don' t like the picture I liked. And that's how I feel about the art museum. End of chapter 1 !

Chapter 2 Going to see the Statue of Liberty
8:00 in the morning me and my dad woke up. My mom didn't wake upn because she had seen the statue of liberty before. Me and my dad went out of the hotel and went on the subway. But just then, My dad said" We are not on the right subway! so we got off the subway and we ask somebody how to get to the sttue of liberty. We went buy tickets tp ride on the boat and you know that we were the first ones on the boat! How happy is it to be the first one on the boat? So we got off the boat and went to see the statue of liberty. End of the story.

- By Michelle Tao

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Peanut-Butter Pilgrams

This story is about:
A culd call: Pee Wee Scouts are going to a farm where there is lots of turkeys. When Sonny sees the turkeys he says that he want one! So his mother by is. But after a few days his mother says that his can not keep that turkey he has to take back to the farm! So everybody will not ever eat turkey again. And there was a paly coming up and lickey the mayor came too! So after the plat was finshed, everybody did not want to eat turkey. Do you want to eant to eat turkey?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Wayside School is Falling Down

My Favorite Part:

Is Wayside School is Falling Down
To begin this book, I have to tell you that wayside school WAS going to have 1 floor with 36 rooms but, instead the workers who built Wayside School built 36 floors with one room in each floor! Can you beliveve a school like that? So the story goes that children in Wayside School were sitting in their seat working and learning. Just then, all the cows were coming inside the school running around! Mrs. Jewls one of the teachers in the school was ringing her cowbell so that the children would know where they are going.
Now do you think that the cowbell would scare the cows away?
Ture or Flase
The answer is Flase
The cows keep attacking the children!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Junie B., First Grader Boss Of Lunch

My favorite part is :

When Junie B got her new lunchbox. She got her new lunch and put it under her desk. But the only plomen was that she keep looking at her new lunchbox! May who sits by her is a tattletale peason. One reason I like this is because I like the way that Junie B keep looking at her lunchbox.