Once there was funny _________ who like to dump rice. One _____________ one of the rice fell right to the earthen floor. So the funny __________ say stop! But the dumping rolled and rolled until it rolled down a hole. " _____________ dumping ," scolged the funny ______ .But , ____ tumbed and tumbed. And so ____ shout. Where my dumping ? Where my dump? Soon a wicked oni came and founded the funny _________ shouting. Where is my dumping? The wicked oni put the funny________ into the boat and took ___ across the river to a very, very stange house. There lived many of wicked oni's friends. They told the funny ______ to make hundreds and hundreds of dumpings for the wicked oni and _____ friends. One _______ the funny_______ decided to go back to ______ house so ____ got on the boat but it was the late because the oni drank the water from the river! But the oni perhaps laughed at her and the water fell from there mouths and the funny ________came back to____ house and became the fastest dumping in Japan!!The End!!!!!!!!
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