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Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Yoko is about:

Yoko liked to eat her favorite food called sushi. Her mom said ," Have a wonderful day, my little cherry blossom!" So Yoko went to school . Yoko learned things very fast. Then her teacher Mrs. Jenkins said," It's time for lunch!" So everybody sharted food with friends. But everybody laughed at Yoko's sushi. So Mrs. Jenkins wrote to parents that they would have an International Food Day! But no one tried Yoko's sushi on that day. Finally , Timothy tried it and Yoko was so happy! They became good friends and shared lunch everyday!

I like this story because at last she has a friend.

The End


Albert Tao said...

I also like this story : sharing the food and making
friends.If you can cook the Chinese food,you will make
friends easily.

From the "Business Weekly",a Chinese journal in Taiwan,
I learned the words "blog" and "blogger" yesterday.
A blog is your easy-to-use web site where you can quickly post thoughts,interact with people ; a blogger is a member of the online press (reporters).

Michelle,you are a blogger now,and I read your stories from your blog. I really learn something from you. Thank you!(ALBERT TAO / August 13,2004)

M. T. Heart said...

Thank for all the thing you write ILove you!
that was great!

michelle tao